238 research outputs found

    3-D Models of Embedded High-Mass Stars: Effects of a Clumpy Circumstellar Medium

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    We use 3-D radiative transfer models to show the effects of clumpy circumstellar material on the observed infrared colors of high mass stars embedded in molecular clouds. We highlight differences between 3-D clumpy and 1-D smooth models which can affect the interpretation of data. We discuss several important properties of the emergent spectral energy distribution (SED): More near-infrared light (scattered and direct from the central source) can escape than in smooth 1-D models. The near- and mid-infrared SED of the same object can vary significantly with viewing angle, depending on the clump geometry along the sightline. Even the wavelength-integrated flux can vary with angle by more than a factor of two. Objects with the same average circumstellar dust distribution can have very different near-and mid-IR SEDs depending on the clump geometry and the proximity of the most massive clump to the central source. Although clumpiness can cause similar objects to have very different SEDs, there are some observable trends. Near- and mid-infrared colors are sensitive to the weighted average distance of clumps from the central source and to the magnitude of clumpy density variations (smooth-to-clumpy ratio). Far-infrared emission remains a robust measure of the total dust mass. We present simulated SEDs, colors, and images for 2MASS and Spitzer filters. We compare to observations of some UCHII regions and find that 3-D clumpy models fit better than smooth models. In particular, clumpy models with fractal dimensions in the range 2.3-2.8, smooth to clumpy ratios of <50%, and density distributions with shallow average radial density profiles fit the SEDs best.Comment: accepted to ApJ; version with full-res figures: http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~ri3e/clumpy3d.pd

    The Flux Ratio Method for Determining the Dust Attenuation of Starburst Galaxies

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    The presence of dust in starburst galaxies complicates the study of their stellar populations as the dust's effects are similar to those associated with changes in the galaxies' stellar age and metallicity. This degeneracy can be overcome for starburst galaxies if UV/optical/near-infrared observations are combined with far-infrared observations. We present the calibration of the flux ratio method for calculating the dust attenuation at a particular wavelength, Att(\lambda), based on the measurement of F(IR)/F(\lambda) flux ratio. Our calibration is based on spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from the PEGASE stellar evolutionary synthesis model and the effects of dust (absorption and scattering) as calculated from our Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. We tested the attenuations predicted from this method for the Balmer emission lines of a sample starburst galaxies against those calculated using radio observations and found good agreement. The UV attenuation curves for a handful of starburst galaxies were calculated using the flux ratio method, and they compare favorably with past work. The relationship between Att(\lambda) and F(IR)/F(\lambda) is almost completely independent of the assumed dust properties (grain type, distribution, and clumpiness). For the UV, the relationship is also independent of the assumed stellar properties (age, metallicity, etc) accept for the case of very old burst populations. However at longer wavelengths, the relationship is dependent on the assumed stellar properties.Comment: accepted by the ApJ, 18 pages, color figures, b/w version at http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/fr_method.htm

    Measuring Extinction Curves of Lensing Galaxies

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    We critique the method of constructing extinction curves of lensing galaxies using multiply imaged QSOs. If one of the two QSO images is lightly reddened or if the dust along both sightlines has the same properties then the method works well and produces an extinction curve for the lensing galaxy. These cases are likely rare and hard to confirm. However, if the dust along each sightline has different properties then the resulting curve is no longer a measurement of extinction. Instead, it is a measurement of the difference between two extinction curves. This "lens difference curve'' does contain information about the dust properties, but extracting a meaningful extinction curve is not possible without additional, currently unknown information. As a quantitative example, we show that the combination of two Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis (CCM) type extinction curves having different values of R(V) will produce a CCM extinction curve with a value of R(V) which is dependent on the individual R(V) values and the ratio of V band extinctions. The resulting lens difference curve is not an average of the dust along the two sightlines. We find that lens difference curves with any value of R(V), even negative values, can be produced by a combination of two reddened sightlines with different CCM extinction curves with R(V) values consistent with Milky Way dust (2.1 < R(V) < 5.6). This may explain extreme values of R(V) inferred by this method in previous studies. But lens difference curves with more normal values of R(V) are just as likely to be composed of two dust extinction curves with R(V) values different than that of the lens difference curve. While it is not possible to determine the individual extinction curves making up a lens difference curve, there is information about a galaxy's dust contained in the lens difference curves.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figues, ApJ in pres

    On the Unusual Depletions toward Sk 155, or What Are the Small Magellanic Cloud Dust Grains Made of?

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    The dust in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), an ideal analog of primordial galaxies at high redshifts, differs markedly from that in the Milky Way by exhibiting a steeply rising far-ultraviolet extinction curve, an absence of the 2175 Angstrom extinction feature, and a local minimum at ~12 micron in its infrared emission spectrum, suggesting the lack of ultrasmall carbonaceous grains (i.e. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules) which are ubiquitously seen in the Milky Way. While current models for the SMC dust all rely heavily on silicates, recent observations of the SMC sightline toward Sk 155 indicated that Si and Mg are essentially undepleted and the depletions of Fe range from mild to severe, suggesting that metallic grains and/or iron oxides, instead of silicates, may dominate the SMC dust. However, in this Letter we apply the Kramers-Kronig relation to demonstrate that neither metallic grains nor iron oxides are capable of accounting for the observed extinction; silicates remain as an important contributor to the extinction, consistent with current models for the SMC dust.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; The Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres
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